IGEL revolutionized endpoint management. IGEL software works seamlessly in all virtualized environments and reduces both cost and operational complexity. We drove up demand for demos with a Tesla giveaway.
IGEL had a fabulous product. One demo and engineers swooned. Unfortunately, IGEL couldn’t convert the keen interest people showed at the tradeshows into demos with the IGEL engineers after the show. We’d recently used Behavioral Science in their website refresh and sales collateral.
The Tesla giveaway set the prospects’ hearts racing. We qualified leads with surveys that could be filled out on mobile devices at the event and kept interest high by producing high quality videos that touted the extraordinary sweepstakes, and follow up emails optimized with Behavioral Science to trigger urgency. Result: over 5,700 requests for demos poured in. IGEL needed to create a new webinar system for dealing with the flood of inbound demo requests.